Archaeological volunteer camp in Alcalá la Real:
23 years making heritage known to international youth

The International Volunteer Camp 'Fortaleza de la Mota' during its XXII previous editions has carried out different activities whose central point has been the rehabilitation and restoration works in the aforementioned monumental complex of the Fortaleza de la Mota .

During its more than 20 years of history, the La Mota Fortress International Volunteer Camp has carried out different tasks_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1586dba_ of information on the urban fabric of the old walled city.
También en sus excavaciones se han encontrado diferentes utensilios de la antigua ciudad amurallada así like remains of a warehouse.
In recent years, the impact of the construction of the old city cemetery in the 19th century and the secondary effects it may have had on the urban fabric of the time have been studied .